
Developing RESTful APIs using Node.js, Express and Oracle Database (NEO)

Introduction This post explains developing RESTful APIs using Node.JS, Express and Oracle Database. Let us refer to this stack as NEO. This is intended for beginners to learn the basics of these technologies using a very simple example, a light weight 'User Profile Management' system. Before we look at the installation and implementation, we will specify the requirement … Continue reading Developing RESTful APIs using Node.js, Express and Oracle Database (NEO)

Copy, concat, prepend JavaScript arrays with ES6 spread

JavaScript ES6 (ECMAScript 6) introduced the spread operator. The syntax is three dots followed by the array (or iterable*). It expands the array into individual elements. So, it can be used to expand the array in a places where zero or more elements are expected. Let us use these two arrays for this whole post: … Continue reading Copy, concat, prepend JavaScript arrays with ES6 spread

Data processing using JavaScript built-in methods

Introduction Building UI in the client side using JavaScript involves retrieving JSON data from the server using REST APIs and processing. Similarly, Node.js could retrieve data from a datasource and do some processing. For small scale data processing, JavaScript has very good built-in methods, which are super fun to work with. This article takes an example data and … Continue reading Data processing using JavaScript built-in methods